Antwerp is the only city in Flanders with its own small GR network, called Stads-GR Antwerpen. This network combines 3 trails: Stads-GR Antwerpen Rondom, Stads-GR Antwerpen East to West, and Stads-GR Antwerpen North to South. This last one fully runs along a section of the GR12, which is therefore not seen as a separate ‘Stads-GR’ route.
The ‘Stads-GR Antwerpen East to West’ connects Linkeroever, on the left bank of the river Scheldt (that runs through the city) with Rivierenhof, a beautiful big park on the outer West side of Antwerp. In Rivierenhof the trailhead of the GR565 Sniederspad is located. The ‘Stads-GR Antwerpen East to West’ is, next to a beautiful route through the city, also a connection for the GR565 to the city center of Antwerp.
Starting on the left bank of Antwerp, the trail begins strongly by walking through the ‘Sint-Annatunnel.’ Don’t forget before entering the tunnel to admire the view of the skyline of Antwerp first. The Sint-Annatunnel, or known as the pedestrian tunnel, is a historic 90+ year-old tunnel connecting the left bank and right bank without blocking the traffic of the Port of Antwerp. This tunnel is primarily known for its wooden authentic escalators that can be used to descend to 31m below the river Scheldt.