Travelers usually stay the night before and after the trek in the neighboring village of Gulmit (expect comfortable tourist-geared lodges, such as the Silk Route) or Ghulkin (expect homestays and a more local experience).
It’s best to source your guide from one of the neighboring villages, Ghulkin or Passu. Guides from different villages in the north are less likely to be familiar with the glacial crossing. See the useful links for a recommended guiding company, though any based in the area should serve you well. The expedition can be arranged on arrival to the upper Hunza Valley with little to no advance warning, though it doesn’t hurt to reach out a bit earlier. Prices are reasonable and often include food services and gear.
In terms of transportation, flights are available from the capital city of Islamabad to Gilgit. Flights from Islamabad to Gilgit, the nearest city, are subject to random cancellation this time of year; expect to wait a few days for the next outbound flight if yours is delayed, or make alternate arrangements to hire a car instead. Adventurous travelers with some time on their hands might also attempt to make use of the local bus system.
The local people are Wakhi, of Pamiri nomadic herdsmen descent. Most are highly educated and many speak English fluently – don’t be surprised if your guide is also an engineer, or working remotely for a US-based company. The Hunza Valley and Upper Hunza in general are quite accustomed to seeing foreigners, although the communities maintain their own cultural and religious identity proudly. Women traveling solo will feel comfortable in the region even without a headscarf.
There are water points before the glacier crossing, though flow availability changes with the season. At the meadows themselves, water is available following a heart-stopping scramble down the cliffside toward Batura glacier. Your guide will know where to look.