The Meran Alta Via stands out as one of the most breathtaking circular hiking routes in the Alpine region. Marked with the number 24, this trail was crafted by the AVS mountain guides Robert Schönweger and Helmuth Ellmenreich and was inaugurated in 1985. The Meran Alta Via is divided into a northern and a southern section, circling the Texel Group Nature Park at a relatively consistent elevation.
The Meran Alta Via is a more accessible alternative to crossing the Alps or any other mountain tour in the Dolomites with wonderful inns, occasional mountain huts for refreshments, and stunning panoramic views. And that’s exactly how you can describe the journey – except for one alpine stage over the Eisjöchl, it’s a delightfully pleasant gourmet tour with a continuous, gentle undulation. Each day is entirely different, and it’s a fantastic feeling when you turn into a new valley, and the entire landscape transforms before your eyes.