Ultralight hiking gear list
Struggling with what hiking gear to bring for your next trail and want to go ultralight? It can be hard to find the right gear list. No worries, we’ve got you! Here you’ll find a complete ultralight hiking gear list with all the gear you need for your upcoming adventure, maybe you’re going to wild camp, set an FKT or just a thru-hike. Whether you’re hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, the Te Araroa, or the Via Alpina, go ultralight! This page focuses on the necessary items to complete your next hiking trail safely. Always add more specific items that are important for the trail you choose and circumstances you expect during your outdoor adventure.

To make your next hike a bit more comfy, bring some items that are not essential but make hiking more enjoyable for you (and maybe other hikers you meet on the trails). Consider items that you won’t just use during the hike but also for the evenings in the tent or while taking a ZERO (rest day). You can think of an e-reader, journal, card game, book with unsolvable crossword puzzles, or something else. It’s all about having fun out there!