Hut-to-hut hiking gear list
Need some inspiration for what to pack for your next hut-to-hut hiking trail? Here you’ll find a list of all the gear you need when you’re preparing for a multi-day tour from mountain hut to mountain hut. The great thing about hut-to-hut hiking is that you don’t need to take so much because the mountain huts provide you with food and shelter. As always, add more specific items that are important for the hut-to-hut hike you choose.

Hiking from hut to hut is a magical experience. Staying up there, high above the treeline with other hikers in a mountain hut, is a must-do for all hikers. To make your next hut-to-hut hike more comfy, bring some items that are not essential but make hiking more enjoyable. Consider bringing an item or two that’s not just for during the hike but also for the evening in the mountain hut. You can think of an e-reader, journal, card game, a book with unsolvable Sudoku puzzles, or something else. Make it more fun! Most mountain huts also usually have a game corner where you can grab a fun game to play with your friends or other hikers.